How to Cancel Your Anytime Fitness Membership: A Step-by-Step Guide

nycPro | How to Cancel Your Anytime Fitness Membership: A Step-by-Step Guide
nycPro | How to Cancel Your Anytime Fitness Membership: A Step-by-Step Guide

As someone who is passionate about fitness and has undergone the process of ending the Anytime Fitness membership, I get it that people do not stay the same forever, and they might need to break their promise to the fitness center. Today we are going to show you the steps to cancel your Anytime Fitness membership with ease and without any problems.

New York is a city that never sleeps, and so do New Yorkers. Besides that, they have the freedom to choose the right time to work out. These Anytime Fitness establishments are typically situated at convenient locations such as "Rockaway Boulevard," "West Central Park," and "Midtown", also giving lots of people an option to quickly and conveniently do both finishing their workouts and shopping in town.

Review Your Membership Agreement

Get started with the process of getting out of your membership by having a proper analysis of the details of your membership agreement. This document contains information like the terms and conditions of your membership, the cancellation policy, and any fees that you may need to pay.

Having been someone who carefully got themselves acquainted with Anytime Fitness's policy regulations, can attest that the following information will tell you everything that you have to know about canceling the membership and privacy. However, the terms may differ from place to place or the terms of your contract as the terms may vary between locations, and individual contracts. You can always ask to your unique membership contract for the latest, updated information when was really yours.

Cancellation Policy Highlights

  • Notice Period: Most of the time, one has to inform in writing thirty days in advance for a cancellation.

  • Cancellation Fee: In the contract that you signed may have included an early termination fee to be paid if you try to cancel before the length of the period you agreed to expires.

  • Refunds: Normally, Anytime Fitness does not refund the part of the fee that was not used.

  • Medical Reasons: If you need to cancel your membership because of health problems, and a doctor's report may be needed to avoid paying any extra charges.

  • Relocation: You might be discharged from any fee with the approval of the operator or with moving documents submitted to the Fitness if the transfer was of the site to a place beyond 25 miles connecting Anytime Fitness with the workplace in case this becomes true.

Privacy Policy Considerations

Just in case you want to cancel your subscription after a few months, you should keep in mind how your personal details will be dealt by Anytime Fitness.

  • Data Retention: Anytime Fitness keeps your info even after you cancel for the simple reason that there are still some legal or operational issues they must deal with after a member leaves.

  • Communication Opt-Out: Even after you cancel the membership, you still have to separately shut off the marketing communications to stop them just in case you are signed up for e-mail or text campaigns.

  • Third-Party Data: Let's say you were involved in third-party services with Anytime Fitness (for example, online fitness applications), you will need to cancel or change those independently.

  • Right to Erasure: In some places, you have the power to obtain your request for the removal of your personal data after cancelation.

Carefully read the whole terms and conditions and the privacy policy given by your local Anytime Fitness club as it is an essential part of your obligations as a fit club member.


Determine Your Membership Type

Anytime Fitness offers varied discount offers, like month-to-month rentals and fixed-term contracts. Cancellation in the case of your membership has been made according to the specific type of membership you carry.

  • Month-to-month memberships: These are usually easier to cancel and may require less notice.
  • Fixed-term contracts: These often have specific cancellation terms and may involve fees for early termination.

Contact Your Home Gym

Firstly, I strongly suggest you to act out your decision at your home gym by either of these ways:

  • Go to the gym personally
  • Directly call the gym
  • Emailing the manager

Directly tell your home gym that you want to quit your membership and then ask them about the step-by-step procedures.

Provide Written Notice

Almost every time, Anytime Fitness has its members provide a written notice to withdraw from the services. I propose drafting a polite and thoughtful cancellation letter with the following points:

  • Your complete name
  • Membership number
  • Contact information
  • Reason for cancellation (optional)
  • Request for confirmation of cancellation

Submit Your Cancellation Request

Take this letter with you to your home gym and give it to one of the staff members. You should follow these methods when providing the cancellation request:

  • Giving it directly to the staff
  • Sending it through the mail and requiring a return receipt
  • Emailing it to the gym manager (if allowed)

Just be sure that you are keeping a copy of your letter that explains the cancellation and any correspondence for your records.

After Making Cancellation Request

Follow Up

Once you have filed your cancellation desire, I would recommend communicating with the gym management to verify that they have received the letter and have processed it accordingly. It is also good to secure a written acknowledgment of the cancellation and the starting date.

Check for Final Payments

Contact the Anytime Fitness's gym management if you do not see that they have stopped withdrawing your money from your bank. Additionally, check your bank statements for any unauthorized payments. In case of any of the above-mentioned malpractices, contact your gym at the very dawn.

Return Any Gym Equipment

If you have any gym-related items such as a key fob, be sure to relinquish them to mitigate the extra expenses that may incur.


A streamlined process such as the one to cancel your membership in Anytime Fitness is possible if you walk through the steps as proposed. Just have in mind that politeness and firmness harmonize well; the one is part of the latter, and the other is essential to making the former work. Keep all the files and all other tools that are proof of your statements. Thus, you will shift to the next stage of your Anytime Fitness membership without friction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Canceling Anytime Fitness Membership

1. Can I cancel my Anytime Fitness membership online?

Regrettably, Anytime Fitness, as a rule, does not provide an online service that allows you to cancel your gym membership. My experience says most facilities require you to end your membership in person or through written notice.

2. Is there a fee for canceling my Anytime Fitness membership?

There might be a termination fee particularly if you're terminating a contract early. The exact amount depends on the specific terms of your agreement and sometimes even the location you belong to.

3. How much notice do I need to give to cancel my membership?

From what I have been through, the 30-day notice period is mostly required by any Anytime Fitness club you choose to join. Can it be a bit different, so you should better review the contract you have in your hands first and find the answer? Of course!

4. Can I freeze my membership instead of canceling?

Sure, you can! Anytime Fitness is usually offering the possibility of freezing your membership for some time. Therefore, you can use this feature as a kind of test flight and then decide on cancellation or no.

5. What happens to my personal information after I cancel?

The common practice of Anytime Fitness is to keep your information a little bit longer than the legal time required due to legal and operational reasons. The request is submitted according to the GDPR law.

6. Can I cancel if I've moved to a new city?

If you've moved to another city that is very far from the nearest Anytime Fitness location (which normally is 25 miles), you're likely to be put on the no-fee-canceling list. In some cases, it is necessary to provide the evidentiary document that confirms your change of address.

7. Is it possible to get a refund for unused membership time?

In my personal opinion, usually, Anytime Fitness adapts the policy of not giving refunds for time not spent. However, there are exceptions including your local club so you can inquire, "Ask if we give a refund for the part of my term that I did not use!"

8. Can I cancel my membership due to medical reasons?

Yes, almost all of Anytime Fitness franchisees can cancel membership because of medical issues from their clients. In this case, proof of your incapacity will probably be required.

9. What documents do I need to bring when canceling in person?

My advice is to have your membership card, identification, and any other documents that are needed for this process (such as a certificate from the hospital or other acceptable proofs) in hand.

10. Will canceling affect my credit score?

Most of the time cancelling your membership will not but you never know, there is always a "but". Billing your monthly fees consecutively can lead to your debt being sent to a collection agency thus damaging your credit.



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